Hammy Down

children's clothes donation app

Renewing Gently Used Kids Clothes


Hammy Downs is an innovative project that aims to facilitate the donation and trading of second-hand children's clothes through a dedicated mobile app. The objective is to provide a platform where parents can easily pass on unused kids' clothes to those in need while also allowing parents to find affordable clothing options for their own children. By creating an accessible and user-friendly app, Hammy Downs seeks to reduce waste, support sustainability, and assist parents who may face financial constraints in purchasing new clothes for their kids.


The inspiration behind Hammy Downs stems from the desire to address two interconnected challenges: the issue of excessive waste generated by outgrown children's clothing and the financial burden faced by some parents in providing adequate clothing for their children. By tackling these challenges, Hammy Downs aims to create a solution that encourages responsible consumption, minimizes environmental impact, and supports families in need. However, there were challenges to overcome, such as designing a seamless user experience that encompassed the donation, trade, and sale functionalities, as well as ensuring efficient search and navigation options for users seeking specific clothing items.


mackinac pro

art direction

Bradford Prairie 
Kira Wilson
Sean Bacon


moodboard, app icon, logo, personas, site map, user flows, wireframes, mobile app design


naming // visual identity // tone of voice // ux/ui


app icon & logo


site map & user flows



The outcome of the Hammy Downs project has been highly impactful. Parents now have a convenient and reliable platform to donate, trade, and purchase second-hand children's clothes, reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices. By utilizing the app, parents have greater access to a wide selection of children's clothing, ensuring affordability and reducing financial strain. Hammy Downs has successfully provided a solution that fosters community engagement, supports those in need, and encourages responsible consumption habits among parents. The positive impact extends beyond individual families, contributing to a more sustainable and socially conscious society as a whole.

